Thanks for stopping by!
I am Bonnie, wife to Kevin, mother to four (currently being schooled-at-home, à la Charlotte-Mason-style via this lovely curriculum that I discuss here). We recently moved back to the DC area, after a lovely stint in Charlotte, NC, and bought a 1900s farmhouse on a six-acre property in Northern VA which we are attempting to bring back to life (from a vacant tear-down to “Dulce Domum”).
I love my God, my people, writing and theology, renovating and real estate, good books and good food, palms and pines, things that are beautiful and deep and real, and traveling anywhere (with my best friend, who I’m conveniently married to).
I enjoy writing for various people and ministries and contribute to Desiring God, Mere Orthodoxy, Servants of Grace, etc.:
I sometimes post here, on my Facebook page:
…here on Twitter (once in a blue moon):
…and more frequently, here on Instagram:
**Forgive my sporadic communication, email responding, and posting, in my attempts to keep my real life, duties, and community fuller than my virtual one 😉
Sometimes pictures tell the story better. A glimpse of the good, the bad, and the ridiculousness that is us…